Keepoint 7 and Keepad – Price

January 15, 2008

kee<p>oint ® online is a new addition to the Keepoint family of products, which enables you to create your research pages and work on them. It has all the ‘kee’ features of the Keepoint series, namely Keep this page, Keep link, annotate and share, as well as the added advantage of being saved online, so that you can access your saved information from anywhere.
Keepoint 7

Keepoint 7 is the base product of the new series which can be expanded to Keepoint 7 Pro or Keepad ®. It allows you to enjoy the full functionality of Keepoint 7 Pro (including Keepad), indefinitely for saving /working on up to 99 web pages, FREE of charge.

Keepad ® is a new product line of the Keepoint family, based on the KeeTools concept, introduced with Keepoint 7. KeeTools help you do all your web information gathering at the touch of a button – navigating, searching, saving as well as categorizing and more.
Keepoint 7 Pro

With Keepoint 7 Pro, you can not only save the web contents with a single mouse click (with or without KeeTools) , but also assign keywords to them, annotate / highlight on them, export/ send by email or extract and save only the necessary information, all without ever leaving the browser.

Keepoint download

January 15, 2008

Keepoint 7 – about

January 15, 2008

Saora, an information management products and services
Companies, announced the launch of the new version of the website
Information management software, keepoint line of products,
� Keepoint 7 series. The new series, of which products
� Keepoint 7 and keepoint 7 professional, designed to meet the network
Information management needs of all Internet users, families, and
As a professional, students and researchers in academic and
Enterprise environment.

� Keepoint on the 7th affinity, which is its flagship product keepoint
The family, after thorough revision, keepoint 1.0. This is
Designed for professionals to gather and collaboration html / xml the
According to the information, either from the Internet or intranet.
Keepoint on the 7th and pro-, which can not only save Web Content
A single click of the mouse, but also assigned Keywords and other
Context index, they (keepas), the Notes / highlighted text
Among them, send the annotated pages by e-mail and exported to
Desktop / external device or extract and save only the necessary
Information from a web page (selected area, images only, links
Only, etc.).

And keepoint, there is no need for designated documents or folders
Destinations. Keepoint automatically all, and the organization of network
Research results, it is easily accessible in time and
Sorting contents of the order or search index. By
The introduction of the concept of Ji-innovative tools to enable users
Can define its own rescue procedure, and agreed with them
Simply click the keepoint 7 series, is expected to take the Internet
Information management tools to a new class, network research
Engine, which enables us beyond the search engines, and the
Internet a truly useful tool, which is expected to be. Keepoint on the 7th
Pro-can be used as a softcopy for 79.95 US dollars and as a package
� 99.95 US dollars from

� Keepoint 7 is the basis for products of this series, and have all
Features keepoint on the 7th Council, in order to save as many as 99. This is
Designed to fully meet the non-professional information network
The collection requirements, and available to all Internet users free of charge
Responsible person (for downloading
� / download.asp). Keepoint on the 7th which can be expanded to
Keepoint buy permits unlimited pages on the 7th affinity.

The keepoint 7 Professional Edition, please to
Accreditation and / or other entities. For more information, please visit,, or contact the company at saora
408-973-7840 or e-mail

Keepoint – IE web research free tool

January 15, 2008

Keepoint 7 Pro is a new class of web information management tools – a web research engine – which enables you to harness your carefully searched web information and get productive with it. It provides a complete suite of features for gathering, organizing, and sharing your valuable web research. It eliminates the costs otherwise involved in printing, filing, sorting, managing, and sometimes even losing important information. Keepoint turbocharges your research, making the internet a truly rich resource that it was envisioned to be.

Zotero and Google Note

January 13, 2008

Zotero : Goggle Notes alternative for power users soulsoup/ ?p=975

For Internet based research work (and play) I use a simple workflow. I use for saving a link with minimal personal context and Google Notes, when I am collecting information from different sources and adding notes and comments to them for further use (Blog or Work). Zotero, the free and open source  Firefox extension takes it to a sophisticated height.  Developed by Center for History and New Media at George Mason University Zotero helps you gather, organize, and analyze sources (citations, full texts, web pages, images, and other objects), and lets you share the results of your research in a variety of ways.

Zotero- features

January 13, 2008

Mark of Zotero

Zotero is a tool for storing, retrieving, organizing, and annotating digital documents. It has been available for not quite a year. I started using it about six weeks ago, and am still learning some of the fine points, but feel sufficient enthusiasm about Zotero to recommend it to anyone doing research online. If very much of your work involves material from JSTOR, for example – or if you find it necessary to collect bibliographical references, or to locate Web-based publications that you expect to cite in your own work — then Zotero is worth knowing how to use. (You can install it on your computer for free; more on that in due course.)

Intellectual Affairs

Now, my highest qualification for testing a digital tool is, perhaps, that I have no qualifications for testing a digital tool. That is not as paradoxical as it sounds. The limits of my technological competence are very quickly reached. My command of the laptop computer consists primarily of the ability to (1) turn it on and (2) type stuff. This condition entails certain disadvantages (the mockery of nieces and nephews, for example) but it makes for a pretty good guinea pig.

And in that respect, I can report that the folks at George Mason University’s Center for History and New Media have done an exemplary job in designing Zotero. A relatively clueless person can learn to use it without exhaustive effort.

Still, it seems as if institutions that do not currently do so might want to offer tutorials on Zotero for faculty and students who may lack whatever gene makes for an intuitive grasp of software. Academic librarians are probably the best people to offer instruction. Aside from being digitally savvy, they may be the people at a university in the best position to appreciate the range of uses to which Zotero can be put.

For the absolute newbie, however, let me explain what Zotero is — or rather, what it allows you to do. I’ll also mention a couple of problems or limitations. Zotero is still under development and will doubtless become more powerful (that is, more useful) in later releases. But the version now available has numerous valuable features that far outweigh any glitches.

Suppose you go online to gather material on some aspect of a book you are writing. In the course of a few hours, you might find several promising titles in the library catalog, a few more with Amazon, a dozen useful papers via JSTOR, and three blog entries by scholars who are thinking aloud about some matter tangential to your project.

How do you keep track of all this material? In the case of the JSTOR articles, you might download them to your laptop to read later. With material available only on Web pages, you can do a “screen capture” (provided you’ve learned the command for that) but might well end up printing them out, since otherwise it is impossible to highlight or annotate the text. As for the bibliographical citations, you can open a word-processing document and copy the references, one by one, or use note-taking software to do the same thing a little more efficiently.

In any case, you will end up with a number of kinds of digital files. They will be dispersed around your laptop in various places, organized as best you can. Gathering them is one thing; keeping track of them is another. And if you have a number of lines of research running at the same time (some of them distinct, some of them overlapping) then the problem may be compounded. Unless you have an excellent memory, or a very efficient note-taking regimen, it is easy to get swamped.

What Zotero does, in short, is solve most of these problems from the start — that is, at the very moment you find a piece of material online and decide that it is worth keeping. You can organize material by subject, in whatever format. And it allows cross-referencing between the documents in ways that improve your ability to remember and use what you have unearthed.

For example, you can “grab” all the bibliographical data on a given monograph from the library catalog with a click, and save it in the same folder as any reviews of the book you’ve downloaded from JSTOR. If the author has a Web site with his recent conference papers, you can download them to the same project file just as easily.

This isn’t just bookmarking the page. You actually have the full text available and can read it offline. The ability to store and retrieve whole Web pages is especially valuable when no reliable archive of a site exists. I got a better sense of this from a conversation with Manan Ahmed, a fellow member of the group blog Cliopatria, who has been using Zotero while working on his dissertation at the University of Chicago. Articles he read from Indian newspapers online were sometimes up for only a short time, so he needed more than the URL to find them again. (He also mentions that Zotero can handle his bibliographical references better than other note-taking systems; it can store citations in Urdu or Arabic just as well as English.)

Furthermore, Zotero allows you to annotate any of the documents you hunt and gather. You can cross-reference texts from different formats — linking a catalog citation to JSTOR articles, Web publications, and so on. If a specific passage you are reading stands out as important, it is possible to mark it with the digital equivalent of a yellow highlighter. And you can also add the marginal annotations, just like with a printout — except without any limitation of space.

When the time comes to incorporate any of this material into a manuscript, Zotero allows you to export the citations, notes, and so forth into a word-processing document.

Zotero is what is called a “plug in” for the Firefox Mozilla Web browser. You can use it only with Firefox; it doesn’t work with Netscape or Internet Explorer. People who know such things tell me that Firefox is preferable to any other browser. Be that as it may, the fact that Zotero functions only with Firefox means you need to have Firefox installed first. Fortunately it, too, is free. (All the necessary links will be given at the end of this column.)

While you are online, using Firefox to look at websites, there is a Zotero button in the lower right hand corner of the browser. If something is worth adding to your files, you click the button to open the Zotero directory. This gives you the ability to download bibliographical information, webpages, digital texts, etc. and to organize them into folders you create. (If a given document might be of use to you in two different projects, it is easy to file it in two separate folders with a couple of clicks.)

Likewise, you use the Zotero button in Firefox to get access to your material when offline. Then you can read things you glanced over quickly at the library, add notes, and so forth.

I won’t try to explain the steps involved in using Zotero’s various features. Prose is hardly the best way to do so, and in any case the Zotero website offers “screencasts” (little digital movies, basically) showing how things work. The most striking thing about Zotero is how well the designers have combined simplicity, power, and efficiency — none of them qualities to be taken for granted with a digital research tool. (Here I am thinking of a certain note-taking software that cost me $200, then required printing out the 300 page user’s manual explaining the 15 steps involved in doing every damned thing.)

There is some room for improvement, however. All of the material gathered with Zotero is stored on the hard drive of whatever computer you happen to be using at the time. If you work with both a laptop and a computer at home, you can end up with two different sets of files. And of course the document you really need at a given moment will always be on the other system, per Murphy’s law.

The optimal situation would be something closer to an e-mail system. That is, users would be able to get access to their files from any computer that had Web access. Material would be stored online (that is, on a server somewhere) and be available to the user by logging in.

Aside from the increased convenience to the individual user, making Zotero a completely Web-based instrument would have other benefits. The most important — the development likely to have a significant impact on scholarship itself — would be its ability to enhance collaborative work. Using a Zotero account as a hub, a community of researchers could share references, create new databases, and so on. And the more specialized the field of research, I suppose, the more powerful the effect.

All of which is supposed to be possible with Zotero 2.0, which is on the way. The release date is unclear at this point, though improved features of the existing version are rolled out periodically.

But for now, the folders you create on your laptop are stored there — and remain unavailable elsewhere, unless you make a point to transfer them to another computer. This brings up the other serious problem. There does not seem to be a ready way to back up your Zotero files en masse. In the best case, there would be a command allowing you to export all of the material in Zotero to, say, a zip drive. Otherwise you can end up with huge masses of data, representing however many hours of exploration and annotation, and no easy way to protect it.

Perhaps it is actually possible to do so and I just can’t figure it out. But then, neither can the full-fledged member of the digerati who initiated me into Zotero. And so we both use it with a mingled sense of appreciation (this sure makes research more efficient!) and dread (what if the system crashes?)

For now, though, appreciation is by far the stronger feeling. Zotero does for research what word-processing software did for writing. After a short while, you start to wonder how anyone ever did without it.

If you don’t already have Firefox 2.0 on your computer’s desktop, you will need to download it before installing Zotero itself. Both are available here. The site also offers a great deal of information for anyone getting started with Zotero. Especially helpful are the “screencast tutorials” — the next best thing to having a live geek to ask for help.

A good initial discussion of Zotero following its release last fall appeared at the Digital History Hacks blog. Also worth a look is this article.

“While clearly Zotero has a direct audience for citation management and research,” according to another commentary, “the same infrastructure and techniques used by the system could become a general semantic Web or data framework for any other structured application.” I am going to hope that is good news and not the sort of thing that leads to cyborgs traveling backward in time to destroy us all.

Scott McLemee writes Intellectual Affairs each week. He also blogs at Quick Study.

Zotero – in Lithuanian (lietuviškai)

January 13, 2008


Firefox įskiepiai


Tai firefox įskiepis studijuojantiems ir rašantiems mokslinius darbus, padedantis kaupti bibliografiją. Tiesiog rinkdamas šaltinius, užrašinėji autorių, datą, leidyklą ir pan., jei turi tekstą – prisegi, jei tai puslapis internete – įdedi žymę. Visa ką krauni į katalogėlius, ir gali dėti tag’us. Vėliau ypač praverčia paieška pagal bet kokį kriterijų. Ir dar vienas džiaugsmas – greitas eksportavimas į html, rtf ir kitus formatus – spūsteli, ir tau literatūros sąrašas, kurį prisegi darbo gale.

Bibliografijos kolekcijas galima eksportuoti įvairiais standartiniais formatais. Kažkaip integruojasi į JAV mokslinių straipsnių resursus – daro juose šaltinių paieškas, dar kažką (šito neišbandžiau).

Importuoja kolekcijas: MODS, BibTeX, MARC, RDF, RIS, BibIX

Eksportuoja kolekcijas: Zotero RDF, MODS, BibTeX, BibIX, Unqualified Dublin Core RDF

Eksportuoja šaltinių sąrašus: RTF, HTML

Parsisiųsti galima iš

Aprašyta versija 1.0.0

Onfolio (only for IE) – free web research tool

January 13, 2008

Collect. Organize. Share.

Onfolio is the complete solution for collecting,
organizing and sharing online content.

Built into the browser, Onfolio is a convenient and familiar tool
that will make your web research more efficient and organized.
NEWS: Onfolio Acquired by Microsoft

New release of Onfolio free in the Windows Live Toolbar

March 8th, 2006, Microsoft announces the acquisition of Onfolio and the release of a new version of Onfolio with the Windows Live Toolbar. Please click on More to view acquisition information and review the new privacy policy.

Onfolio for Windows Live Toolbar

For personal and professional research

Easily organize web research and share it in emails, blogs and documents. Capture local copies of web content for reliable access. Find captured content with Windows Desktop Search.

Netsnippets – paid Web research tool – stop marketing

January 13, 2008

A few years ago an excellent Web research tool Netsnippets has been developed.

Typically when you search internet on “Web research tools” you get this tool as a result of search.

But on 2007 such an info (see below) has been published by Netsnippets team.

As of March 2007, we have decided to discontinue the development and marketing of the Net Snippets line of products. We will continue however to provide e-mail technical support to users who purchased the product in the past.

To all our customers, we thank you for your support over the years, it’s been a pleasure serving you. For those of you looking for a free online tool to help you snip and capture the web and organize your web research, try the eSnips Toolbar.

The Net Snippets team.

Scrapbook – Web research tool

January 12, 2008 is a Firefox extension, which helps you to save Web pages and easily manage collections. Key features are lightness, speed, accuracy and multi-language support. Major features are:
* Save Web page
* Save snippet of Web page
* Save Web site
* Organize the collection in the same way as Bookmarks
* Full text search and quick filtering search of the collection
* Editing of the collected Web page
* Text/HTML edit feature resembling Opera’s Notes
Works with:

  • Firefox Firefox: 2.0 – 3.0b3

Install Now

setTimeout(function() { fixPlatformLinks(“427”,document.getElementById(‘installTrigger22520’).getAttribute(‘addonName’));},0);

Version — January 8, 2008 — 213 KB